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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"... Another podcast..."


I recently had the good fortune to be a guest on the warcraft outsiders podcast! Thanks to Michelle and John for having me on! I had a great time.

If you'd like to listen you can check them out on Itunes, or go to . Check out episdoe #50 to listen to my interview. Don't forge to leave a review!




  1. psst, I have a confession to make... I have no idea what a podcast is >.> *runs*

  2. Believe it or not, your not the only person who doesn't. Simply a podcast is an audio recording of a show similar to a radio show. Most can then be up loaded to Itunes or some other such place. Sometimes you can download them from the hosting website as an MP3 and then play them back/listen to them on your "Ipod"... thus the name podcast. Or any other type of MP3 player. Hope this helps.


  3. Yeah thanks alot for the info. I hate ipods with a passion (im an old git) but if i can get them as mp3's ill be able to just listen to them on my comp then yay :) Ill have to try one out sometime
